If you are connected to a LAN and have problems with jerky graphics, this might be the solution: • Right-click “My Computer”. • Select “Manage”. • Click on “Device …
Here is the trick for complete formatting of your virus infected or other problem arriving mobile phone… This trick is for almost all Nokia models. 1. Switch off your …
Mobile number without or wrong IMEI number are banned accorss India now. Mostly China mobile phone brands like Alkatel, Sigmatel, GFIVE and many more now provide valid IMEI number …
According to Microsoft corp, computers capable of running Windows Vista are classified as Vista Capable and Vista Premium Ready. A Vista Capable or equivalent PC needs to have at …
It is possible to disable the XP splash screen, which will slightly speed up the overall boot process. Be aware that removing the splash screen will also cause you …
1 bit = binary digit 8 bit = 1 byte 1024 bytes= 1 KB(kilobyte) 1024 KB= 1 MB(Megabyte) 1024 MB= 1 GB(Gigabyte) 1024 GB= 1 TB(Terra byte) 1024 TB= …
Tricks that can make notepad work like a personal diary for you There is a simple tricks that can make notepad work like a personal diary for you. The …
This tweak reduces the time Windows-XP waits before automatically closing any running programs when you give it the command to shutdown. Follow the steps as given below- 1) Go …
There is a hidden feature in Windows and not many users know anything about it. You can setup a banner with a message in it. Each time your Windows …
I Forgot to Save Word Document, How to Get it Back ? By default it saves a “backup” of the file every 10 minutes. Unless you’ve modified this option, …
First, create a shortcut on your desktop by right-clicking on the desktop, choosing New, and then choosing Shortcut. The Create Shortcut Wizard appears. In the box asking for the …
NET SEND Net Send command is used to send messages to other users, computers, or messaging names on the network. The Messenger service must be running to receive messages; …